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At Kruger Station, we’re all constantly learning how we can make a difference in the world by being aware of our environmental footprint. Calculate your environmental footprint to see how much impact just one person has one the world’s resources.

This is why we love Beeswax Wraps from Bee Blessed :

  • They’re a great alternative to single-use plastic cling wrap,
  • They are affordable, reusable, last for up to one year,
  • Naturally antibacterial, antifungal, easy to clean,
  • Preserve flavour and freshness longer than plastic,
  • They come in a range of beautiful designs, colours and sizes,
  • They are washable, and at the end of their lifespan, also completely compostable,
  • It’s a great upliftment project (more about that later).

Like other non-recyclables, plastic cling wrap ends up on landfill  and sometimes even in the ocean. On landfill it will sit for years, not degrading. It’s also a risk to wildlife or fish who may get caught up in it or eat it.

Bee Blessed
Originating in Worcester, South Africa, Bee Blessed, is an upliftment project conceptualised and implemented by Christine  Viljoen. She discovered wax wraps on a trip to Australia and she had a dream to assist and support the farm workers’ women’s club in her area. Because the wraps are so easy to manufacture, it was a great job creation opportunity for the farm workers as they could eventually become self-sufficient.

What can you use them for?
We’re glad you asked. Keep your leftovers fresh, preserve fruit and vegetables, cover bowls, sauces, wrap sandwiches, use as a snack pack, use as a cheese saver… the uses are endless.


Bee Blessed  beeswax wraps are available at Kruger Station.